Announcing Testing as a Service (TaaS)

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It’s finally time!

So over the last week or so, I’ve been writing about all the ways that using an outside tester can make your life so much easier.

That includes:

●  Saving you time.
●  Saving you money.
●  Reduce your stress from outsourcing.
●  Improve customer satisfaction.
●  Get things right the first time, every time.
●  Fixing the little details that can make or break your product.
●  Reduce anxiety and launch with confidence.

But what you might not know is that I’ve been holding back on a really exciting announcement:

Today, we’re launching the brand new “Testing as a Service”.

So what does that mean for you?

You can send your projects to us for testing on a case-by-case basis.

So you don’t have to worry about retaining expensive talent for a job that you only need done every so often.

And you no longer have to choose between hiring an in-house tester or staying up and doing it all yourself.

We can just do it for you.

We’re going to put professionals in control of your testing. You won’t have to worry about maintaining your concentration, missing details, or turning small fixes into additional problems. You’ll ship faster and have better peace of mind.

With us, you’ll also find out how your product functions under independent conditions. Having independent insight will go a long way toward making the best product possible…without complications, unnecessary rounds of testing, or lost time.

We’re going to take you through intensive testing cycles to give you the clean, bug-free product that your users will recommend to their friends. This is going to turn any potential negative reviews into glowingly positive reviews, and you’ll have a good reputation wherever you release.

Special Pre-Launch Offer: 20% Off

As of today, we are offering a pre-launch deal for ONLY the first few people who take us up on it.

Sign up before midnight on September 22 to get 20% off.

This 20% off, along with a selection of package deals we offer here will go a long way toward making you competitive in your market, without risking huge investments of time and money.

Want to know more? Click here to go to our pre-launch page AND claim your discount.

I want you to click on that link above, look at what we’re offering, and see if it’s for you.

If yes: sign up!

If no: come back, leave a comment or ask us something. We’ll be glad to answer any question you might have.

Go here and check it out.


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