Meet the Women at Capital Numbers

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We’re honored to work with many talented, driven women who greatly contribute to the success of Capital Numbers. Although it isn’t always easy to be a woman in tech, many of our project managers, tech leads, developer, and HR managers are women…and they are nothing short of inspiring.

In honor of International Women’s day, we wanted to highlight the successes and contributions of the ladies who contribute so much to the company.

Below are interviews from ten women who describe their lives in tech, how they maintain a balance between their personal and professional lives, and what’s in store for their future.

Chinmoyee RoyChowdhury

Chinmoyee RoyChowdhury

Manager- Human Resources

What do you do at Capital Numbers?
I am the HR Manager, leading a team of four members. My primary role is to act as a bridge between the management and the employees, so for me, my clients are the employees and the management.

How did you get into this profession?
Fate brought me to this profession, literally. I was a PR student in Kolkata. However, I couldn’t pursue my career in that field due a family emergency. Although I never thought I would be in HR, I started as a training coordinator working for an IT firm, which helped me learn the various aspects of human resource management. I later enrolled myself for further studies in the HR Domain. After around five years in the industry, I got an opportunity at Capital Numbers.

What are you most proud of with regards to your career?
I think I’ve just been lucky enough to get an extraordinary exposure and scope of learning throughout my career. I have gotten to work with some very good people for the last seven years and that has helped me to be a successful professional today. So in a way, I think when it comes to my career, I take pride in my learning ability and luck!

Who inspires you? Or, alternatively, have you ever had a mentor, and how did they help you?
Well, I have had a lot of mentors in my life. Each one of them has helped me in their own special way. I think I’ve been in the industry for a long time and have gotten to work with a lot of people with different mindsets and personalities. All of them have been extremely cooperative, supportive and worth considering a mentor at every stage of my career, because I have learnt so much from them irrespective of the hierarchy. So for me all of them have been my mentor in some way or the other.

Purba Ghosh

Purba Ghosh

Project Manager

What’s a typical day or week look like for you?
I mostly oversee mobile and AI related projects as a PM. Being part of an enthusiastic young group is itself a challenge, as you need to keep your constantly upgraded with the latest technological advancements. My typical Monday morning starts by going over the task list from the last week. This gives me the chance to set up my priorities for the current week. I review the work status of my assigned projects that I am currently engaged in and I try to finish any pending work from the last week, if any. I also try to make sure that all the work scheduled for the current week is moving forward without any hiccups.

On any other day at the office, I am responsible for managing and coordinating my team’s progress on the various projects that are assigned to me. I keep in touch with our clients and keep them updated about the progress of the projects and make sure they are satisfied with the progress, performance and the statistics.

The most interesting part of this project management job is that there is no such thing as a stereotypical day. One day, I’m busy in meetings with my clients, and the next day, I will be supervising my team and checking the builds. Maybe the next day I will be busy making presentations and revenue reports for senior management.

Every day is different, and every problem demands a unique approach or solution. It’s like opening a Christmas gift every day with lots of excitement, surprise and fun!

How did you get into this profession?
I’ve been working as a Project Manager for almost six years. I started my career with database optimization right before I graduated my tech school. But my thirst for knowledge for every domain led me to work in almost every phase of the software development life cycle. I grabbed every opportunity that came my way, and no job was small for me. But my forte was always my eloquent speaking power, ability to keep myself calm under pressure and coordinate among different team members and convince others. I always knew I was the person who can speak in layman’s terms for her clients and in technical terms for her team (thanks to my SCJP Certification).

My CEO saw and acknowledged this hidden talent in me and gave me the role of project manager. According to him, I was the person who has the overall sense of responsibility for the successful initiation, planning, design, execution, monitoring, controlling and closure of a project. I ended up working as a PM and never looked back.

What are you most proud of with regards to your career?
My job as a PM is very demanding. Being a married women and a PM of a highly renowned company is no child’s play. I have to meet the expectation of my family as well as my office colleagues, team, senior managers and above all clients. I am grateful to have a very supportive family of my parents, husband and in-laws who have supported me always to achieve my dreams! And at the same time I have a very supportive team who dares to dream big and is ready to fly with me.

There are many proud moments in my career, like the first time I got the chance to work with Microsoft supported Chatbot and Alexa. I felt ecstatic like a kid who gets a new toy. I was awarded the best PM of the quarter in my professional life quite a few times. But the best moment to date is when I got the outstanding performance Certificate and Award from my current CEO within 3 months of my joining. When my CEO called me in the morning I was scared and thought I must have done something really wrong! But to my joy I found he called me for felicitating my achievement in this short duration. I still get goosebumps when I think of that day!

Who inspires you? Or, alternatively, have you ever had a mentor, and how did they help you?
There have been lot of influential people in my life, like my family, friends, colleagues and even clients. But there has been one person in my life whom I have met in one of my past companies. He was the HOD of the development department and I was a new PM. With so many clients, team members, and the CEO constantly shooting queries from every corner, any normal person would lose his mind… but to my surprise I used to find him always cool, calm and composed. I hardly ever see him angry or shouting at his team members. He was very popular in his team because he would crack jokes even in the most difficult and pressure-cooker situation. He had an immense knowledge of programming to server management, an unbelievable quality to convince even the hardest clients and always with a wide smile. Everything I am today is because of him. I have learned so much from him and walking in his footprint for a long time made me learn so much about this highly demanding IT industry.

Suvra Bhattacharya

Suvra Bhattacharya

Tech Lead- Web Development

What do you do at CN?
I am involved in Front End Development and I have a team of four or five members under me. I work as a tech lead, which involves direct coding, mentoring my team members, communicating with my clients and providing technical solutions for the projects.

How did you start your career?
I have started my career as a teacher. Then I realized that teaching is not my cup of tea. My nature is to learn more. And I found that only way to learn more is to be a software developer. I joined one organization as a junior developer, and initially, it was challenging. But I was determined that I have to do more and tried to learn on my own and implemented those as well.

How do you balance your professional and personal life as a woman?
It’s very difficult to balance professional and personal life. I try to balance both. I never skip my responsibilities. My family is always there for me, and my seniors also support me.

Who inspires you? Or, alternatively, have you ever had a mentor, and how did they help you?
When I started my career, I meet Mr. Srikanta Sen, one of my colleagues. When I met him, he was around 37 years old. At this age, he decided to change his career to hacking, while the whole family depended upon him. Now he is a professionally ethical hacker. Another person is my cousin brother. For an initial period he struggled a lot to get a stable career, but now he is stable and well settled in Malaysia, as a manager one of a well known MNC. So you can do anything, at any age, if you are determined.

Soumita Nandy

Soumita Nandy

Tech Lead

What do you do at CN?
I’m a tech lead. I provide technical help to other developers in some assigned projects, assess new requirements for estimating efforts, and also perform development directly in some projects.

How did you start your career?
After doing MCA, I started my career as Core Java faculty for 3 months. After that, I switched to web development.

What does working in the tech industry, mean to you?
It’s all about knowledge, concept and intelligence. And I think men and women can both be technically strong if you have the right aptitude and interest. All that matters is hard work and sincerity. It’s a very challenging and competitive domain.

How do you balance your professional and personal life?
It’s all possible, with the help of my family members. They cooperate with me to maintain this balance. Weekdays are dedicated to professional life, and on the weekend, I try to give my fullest to my personal life.

Ranita Mondal

Ranita Mondal

Team Lead- Content Writing

What’s a typical day or week look like for you?
I take every day as it comes, both on the professional and personal front. Some days are smooth sailing, while some are like riding rapids. However, I do not complain. Work keeps me happy and sane, and when work is done, I indulge in my hobbies a bit and spend time with my family. “Quiet” sums up my daily routine.

How did you get into this profession?
Well, to tell the truth, we chose each other. Once my postgrad was over, I wanted to get a job. I had a flair for writing, loved and still love to travel. The first offer came in the form of a knowledge executive which required me to write travel articles. Couldn’t have asked for more. That was the start, and the rest followed.

What are you most proud of with regards to your career?
I am proud of myself, first of all. It was never a cakewalk, and the competition was tough. There was this constant pressure to do more, which definitely help sharpened my skills. I have worked hard every single day, and have made a place for myself. I have given myself recognition as an individual and am quite happy about it.

Who inspires you? Or, alternatively, have you ever had a mentor, and how did they help you?
My inspiration has been my family, my parents and my brother. Most of the credit goes to my mother, as she has fought to end up seeing me as an independent working woman. Credit does not go less to my father, as I’ve inherited working hard, keeping cool in challenging situations, and overcoming problems from him. My parents are my role models, and whatever I got from them, I have tried to put that in my work.

On the professional front, I have had mentors. I wouldn’t say anyone was bad, because I have learned something from every one of them. They’ve helped me learn the ropes of the corporate world, how to manage work, prepare reports, meet deadlines, maintain documentation, communicate with the clients, build a team, and what to do when you are in the shoes of a lead. It has been a great learning experience, and hopefully more is yet to come.

Arpita Chaudhuri

Arpita Chaudhuri

Senior Web Developer

What do you do at CN?
I work as a Senior Web Developer. I have a team of four members and work on some of the latest technologies at Capital Numbers.

How did you start your career?
After completing my MCA in the year 2012 I joined an IT company and started working as a PHP developer. After two years working over there In 2014, I got an opportunity to join Capital Numbers, and Capital Numbers helped me to explore front end development areas.

Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
In ten years I see myself as a brilliant developer, a successful mother, and above all, a good human being.

Who inspires you? Or, alternatively, have you ever had a mentor, and how did they help you?
My father has been my inspiration and he is my mentor. He has helped me transform into an independent woman, work hard and be truthful and honest no matter what. I have learned from him that hard work is the only key to success.

What do you think defines a strong woman?
For me, a strong woman is someone who is focussed and dedicated to her duties even in a difficult situation. She can balance her professional and personal life without any compromise and without any complaint. A strong woman will never make her womanhood an excuse for failure.

Rituparna Sarkar

Rituparna Sarkar

.Net Developer

What do you do at CN?
I work as a .Net developer at Capital Numbers Infotech Pvt. Ltd. My duties are
understanding requirements from the client, coding and assisting my co-developers.

Who inspires you? Or, alternatively, have you ever had a mentor, and how did they help you?
After joining in CN, I had started my career as Trainee .Net Developer. At that time Mr. Utpal Roy, was my mentor and he was there for me to guide me and develop my development skills. He had given me ample time to make me capable of taking on my current responsibilities.

What does working in the tech industry, mean to you?
For women wanting to go into tech, it’s about the supportive environment. There are companies with environments that aren’t supportive to women. Your career will hurt, and the stress that you’ll experience working in an environment where you’re not supported will hold you back. I am grateful that I am at CN with such a supportive environment with a wonderful co-operative attitude I found in every co-worker, which actually motivates me to do my best in whatever I am assigned.

I was always fascinated by the IT industry and so I had chosen my career as a software developer. I feel proud to be a part of the tech industry so far. As a woman, I feel that it’s good to be a software developer where mostly men are ruling the industry. I feel good being a part of it, as I have proven myself equal to a man in terms of knowledge and technical capabilities.

What is that attribute of yours which you think can take you a long way in your career?
I think I am confident and I can manage almost anything I am assigned at work, or in life in general! The attributes I have, strong determination and hard work, can lead me to success.

Sanchari Sarkar Adhikary

Sanchari Sarkar Adhikary

Senior Web Designer

How did you start your career?
I’ve started my career as a junior graphic designer after completing my course PGDIM from multimedia training institute.

Tell us about one weird thing about you that most people don’t know?
Maybe my fear of darkness and ghosts!

What are you most proud of with regards to your career?
My belief in myself is my biggest strength. Being a designer, I am proud that I am capable of designing everything assigned to me and hope to keep it continuing.

Who inspires you? Or, alternatively, have you ever had a mentor, and how did they help you?
My daughter inspires me the most. Since I am a working mother, leaving her back home and coming to work is the biggest motivation to get the fullest and best out of my career. Adding to that, I must say Abhijit and Arnab played a big role in shaping my career, as we all have been working together for a long time now.

Paramita Das

Paramita Das

Mobile App Developer

What do you do at CN?
I work as a iOS developer and my job revolves creating iOS applications, testing, bug fixing, communicating with clients.

How did you start your career?
I completed my in Computer Science and always wanted to work a Mobile App Developer. I did not get a chance to learn it in any institute, and I was sure that if I get the opportunity I would make it. I joined Capital Numbers and today I am working as a successful developer.

How do you balance your professional and personal life as a woman?
I know my job and plan my day accordingly. I try to give my 100 percent when I’m at work and make sure I complete my work before leaving. I believe balancing is also an art, and you have to learn it with time.

Who inspires you? Or, alternatively, have you ever had a mentor, and how did they help you?
I have not been a part of this industry for a very long time, so I think my parents have been my inspiration. They had that belief that I would make a place for myself in this competitive domain. They kept pushing me and stayed patient while I was struggling for an opportunity.

Amrita Nandan

Amrita Nandan

Web Developer

What do you do at CN?
I work as a Senior Web Developer in CN. It has been quite a long journey — I’ve been working with CN for nearly three and a half years.

Who inspires you? Or, alternatively, have you ever had a mentor, and how did they help you?
I am grateful to CN for giving me the opportunity to work with so many team leaders and project managers who have helped me a lot, standing by my side as my big brothers in times of my need. The name that first comes to my mind is Pushpal Mujumdar, followed by Anindya Moitra, Subhajit Das, Indranil Bhattacharya and many others to name with whom I have worked with. They have been mentors, guides, and big brothers to me at all times.

What are you most proud of with regards to your career?
With regards to my career, my communication skills, my ability to work with a team, and my ability to catch and learn quickly are the ones that have helped me to move forward.

What is that attribute of yours which you think can take you a long way in your career?
My communication skills, problem solving skills, and ability to catch and learn quickly are all attributes that have taken me a long way in my career.


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