All Your Questions, Answered

Table of Contents

Hey, everyone.

And thank you very much!

Our launch was an overwhelming success.

We got a bunch of responses…and more are still coming in.

People really, really couldn’t wait to reserve a tester and free up loads of time and productivity.

But we also found that people have questions. We heard things like “I’m interested but I want to know a little more…” which is absolutely fine.

So I’ve put together a comprehensive FAQ for you.

Here it is:


“I just made a purchase! How do I start using it?”

There are several steps to getting started, but it isn’t complicated.

  • If you have received a confirmation screen from PayPal, your order has been successfully received. If you’re curious about a delay, don’t worry! It then takes us 24 hours (longer on holidays and weekends) to assign your dedicated tester. As soon as that’s done, we will create a new account for you.
  •  Keep a look out for an invitation email from, which is the system we use to manage all tasks. (You may want to check all your email folders just to be sure).
  • Once you receive an invite, you can choose your password and then start adding testing tasks. You can create as many tasks as you need and we will work on them sequentially.

Any information that you share, including username and password, is shared only between you and your tester and is completely secure.

“So what does the process look like?”

Again, very simple.

  • If we need any clarification on a task, we’ll just ask questions through a secure messaging system on TeamWork.
  • Our test team will complete your tasks and upload the report for you to review.
  • We also log time every day. So transparency is guaranteed, and you can track how much time we spend daily working on your project.
  • All interaction between you and your tester will happen through the Teamwork app.

“Seven days a week??”

No. We work hard, but our testers are people, too! They get weekends off. We work five days a week, Monday to Friday.

“What if I need to talk to my tester?”

It’s encouraged. Communication and transparency are key. We recommend setting up an upfront call to allow each party to understand needs and deliverables. Here are the best times for various time zones:

London: 7 AM – 3 PM
New York: 7 AM – 12 PM
San Francisco: 8 PM – 9 AM
Sydney: 2 PM – 9 PM

“What if I don’t like it??”

We’re pretty sure you will! But, sometimes things happen, and we understand. Just cancel within 14 days for a 100% money back guarantee, with zero hassle.

“There isn’t a contract, right?”

There’s no contract at all. That would defeat the whole purpose. This is a month to month service. We don’t lock you in with any “fine print,” and you can cancel at any time.

“Will my hours roll over into next month?”

No. All hours must be used within the billing cycle.

“Do you do automated testing?”

This service is specifically created for functional testing. To get a quote for automated testing please get in touch.

“Can the tester work on Jira?”

Yes. Feel free to invite the tester to any existing project management tool that you use.

We have updated the FAQ page as well. Go check it out >>


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