Three Ways to Run Your New Agency Smoothly

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Starting a new agency sounds as exciting as it is but it doesn’t come without challenges. Agency is a responsibility where many things need to be considered. The pitfalls need to be looked at so that they don’t become an obstacle to smooth sailing. In this article, we’ll be looking at these ways to ensure that you run your agency smoothly.

There are three important components to be looked at:

1) Have Many Projects in Backup

Having chains of a product is important so that you never run out of your work. Running an agency is about successive work. You cannot finish a project and end up with an empty list of work. You have to have a work that keeps going on the i.e chain of projects. To make sure your agency is running and making a profit it is very important to have these projects in the pipeline. This also cements the work of your workers as their potential for work never gets wasted. This is a way to generate more business and that means more profit. Hence having as many projects as possible is the key to run an agency smoothly.

The work of projects in the pipeline can be achieved by an employee or a head that you hire. The head can look onto new projects via accepting new ideas from the outside, generating his/her own ideas, respond to the projects that are coming and accept or decline offers. The head can also edit the terms of all agency contracts and withdraw agency proposals.

You can also meet with many agencies to informally discuss your requirements.
By this, you can find out:

1) How they think they might try and provide you with projects.
2) What have they done for the other clients?
3) What are the charges of projects that they do?

2) Collaborate and Communicate

This is very important that you involve your full force of workers in the projects. This kind of communication helps employees generate and give ideas that the agency can work on. Once you have all the ideas and plans on the table you can encapsulate on these and make your projects a success. This also adds a new perspective to challenges that the agency may encounter.

Usually, such communication is handled by business managers and clients communicate with them about what they want. When as an agency you communicate what the client wants directly to the employees they can work much efficiently. Doing so makes employees feel they belong with the agency and are not just a part of it, hence, it builds their trust and they work more.

3) Find Ways to Pay them Well

It is very important as an agency to pay your employees well. When you pay your employees well and they feel like they are getting what they deserve, this helps them build their professional esteem. Professional esteem is an important thing to inculcate in the employees. Such esteem makes employees work to their fuller potential and this, in turn, helps your agency.

Each project that you give your employees can be structured as either a fixed price project or on an hourly basis.

  • For hourly contracts, you can have a portal and make each freelancer have their own profile on your portal. Their individual profile then can be submitted to the clients that can enable clients to track the freelancer working for them.
  • For fixed price contract proposals can be submitted to the business manager and then the agency can assign the work to its own employees or freelancers to contribute to the project.

You need to make sure you are open and honest with your employees, with clients, and with any partnering agency as well. Support them through the pitching process and directly communicate as much as possible with them.


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