Six Myths Small Business Owners Have About Owning Websites

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A website is a visual and a digital representation of a business’s services, products, and ideals. In this age of technology, almost all offline businesses have a website on the internet which can be accessed by many people. However, offline business owners, especially those who run a small one, have some misconceptions, stereotypes, and myths regarding owning a website.

While some feel that it is not of any use for their business, others who wish to have a website, think that they can create one on their own. This is because they do not understand the importance of the difference a website can make on the growth of their business.

Let’s debunk the Six myths that small business owners commonly have regarding having a website.

  1. Only E-commerce Businesses Require A Website

    One of the most popularly accepted myths is that a website is only required by e-commerce businesses. This is because people think that if they do not have a product to sell online, then they have nothing to advertise about through a website! However, this is absolutely not true!

    What most people don’t know is that potential customers first search on the web to find your business. Nowadays, the genuineness of a business is determined by the way they represent themselves on the digital platform!

    Therefore, not having a website can cost your business potential customers! A website can be thought of as a virtual address for you over the internet. When customers look through your website, it helps to build trust and credibility, increase the customer reach and reduce the overhead expenses that you face.

  2. Website Is A Luxury, Not A Need

    If you are one of those who that this myth is, in fact, true, then you are absolutely wrong!

    Are you the owner of a small business? Well, then you must have had to invest in some type of marketing and advertising! However, you must have seen that you need to continuously do marketing for your business to attract sales.

    If you have a website to represent your business, it automatically does the marketing part for you on the digital platform, which is accessible by a wider audience! Therefore, instead of a luxury, a website is definitely a need for small businesses in particular.

  3. Developing A Website Is Cheap And Easy

    There are many people who think that developing a website is not only cheap but also cheap! So much so, that they feel they could develop a simple website on their own!

    While developing a basic website with a headline and some content can actually be very easy, if you wish to have a competitive one, you need to get expert assistance.

  4. Once Website Is Developed, Your Work Is Done

    Most people think that once the website creation process is completed, all their work is done! However, little do they know that it is just the start of their work! While developing the website initially is the major part of the work, keeping it up to date and optimized is another part which is just as important!

    Therefore, to your website from looking outdated and inefficient, you need to constantly upgrade and update it with the changing guidelines of the search engines.

  5. You Don’t Need To Have A Responsive Website

    A responsive website is that which automatically resizes, or readjusts its look, design, and functionality according to the device through which it is accessed. This is because desktops’ websites are hard to traverse through small-screened devices like mobile phones.

    Since nowadays most of us use mobile phones for everything, having a responsive website is very essential. If your customers find it inefficient and difficult to go through your website, chances are they will leave it instantly!

  6. Creating A Website Alone Can Get You Enough Traffic

    People should keep in mind that their website is not the only one on the internet. There are a thousand other websites just like yours and more than a hundred million in total!

    Therefore, you need to make sure your website is visible to the right customers so that enough traffic is generated for your business. This can only be done by investing in digital marketing and SEO campaigns!


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