How to Tell When You Need to Hire a Remote Employee

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Having started your new business, you’ll want to remain in control of every aspect of it to ensure smooth running and efficient supervision. However, most entrepreneurs are not skilled in managing every task and need to consult or hire experts to assist them. For instance, you might need advice on how to handle the marketing side of your enterprise. Further, you’ll need assistance from capable lawyers who can guide you on the legal issues.

Since your startup is still in its fledgling state, you may not have the necessary resources and office space to accommodate a large in-house team. The best solution in this situation is to look for remote hires that are not only economical, but give you the freedom to work with them as and when you choose. So, how can you know that hiring freelancers is a more viable business strategy? Here are the signs to look out for.

Identify Your Own Talents

To begin with, ask yourself what are the tasks you’re especially good at and the ones you wouldn’t want to do. For instance, being an intensely creative person, you might want to focus your energies on creating the goods and services you want to sell. You might find that you’re not very good at assessing candidates and you don’t want to spend time looking for the people you need to staff your business. A good plan would be to hire a freelancer-recruiting agency. Explain your requirements to them and let them send the perfect talent base to assist you.

Small, Routine Tasks

As long as your enterprise is still small, you’ll have the time to manage every task, but as it grows, you’ll realize that you’re spending too many hours managing small, routine activities. For instance, checking and sorting through emails and daily communications. If you feel, you need to free up valuable time so you can take care of tasks that are more important, delegate the unimportant ones to a remote hire. Experts advise you to create a list of activities you spent your day doing for a week. At the end of that time, check through it and identify the hours you spent taking care of issues that you can easily delegate. This exercise can guide you on the freelance talent you need to hire.

Seasonal Tasks

Certain activities are such that you need to spend time on them only during certain months of the year. For instance, when it’s time to do your taxes or when you need to work out holiday bonuses. If these tasks take away valuable time during especially busy months, it’s preferable to look for remote hires. Not only are they experts in the specialized services they provide, but they’re also much more economical, by way of cost and time. You might also find that the tasks they accomplish are done more efficiently than you might have yourself.

Freeing Up Valuable Resources

On the onset of enterprise, many entrepreneurs hire workers that they think they’ll absolutely need to run their business. Chances are that you hired an in-house accountant when you set up your business. But, if you feel that he cannot manage any other tasks aside from seasonal work, you might want to save on the cost of the regular hire. You might also have hired a customer service person to interact with clients and handle queries and other such tasks. But, if you decide to move your business online, a freelance customer service executive can easily manage these activities. You’ll find that you’re freeing up valuable resources that you can divert towards the growth of your start-up.

Specialized Tasks

While on the topic of digital marketing, this is an advanced form of selling your goods and products. To guide you on how to manage it, you’ll need a team of experts who have credentials and many years of experience in the field. Since it is not practical to hire an in-house team to help you, you’ll need to look for remote hires. Similarly, there are many other aspects of your business that must be managed by other experts. When you feel the need for them, it’s time to look for freelance workers.

Working with freelance or remote hires can prove to be a very advantageous strategy. Be flexible and open to the idea and you’ll be able to make use of this very valuable operational tool.



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