How These Big 3 Companies are Working Remotely

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Companies all over the world are increasingly accepting that working with remote teams is a more viable method of working. Perhaps, one of the best positives is that they can dispense with political boundaries and time zone limitations when hiring the best of talent from any corner of the globe. This factor is true for all spheres and possibly every industry. For instance, information technology, computers, education, training, health services, digital marketing, and even for governmental and other administrative tasks.

In the past decade, the practice of freelancing and working with remote teams has grown by an astounding 103%. And, among the top companies that have adopted this method are Dell, Sqwiggle, Zapier, UnitedHealth Group, Deloitte, IBM, and many more. So, what are the objectives and strategies of these companies when they hire remote workers? Here are some of them.

Mixed Teams – Strategy

When hiring employees, businesses offer them the options of either working full-time in the workplace or the possibility of telecommuting. Workers also have the option of choosing their work hours that can be a mix of office hours and working from home hours. They are also allowed to opt for the schedules that suit them best including working over the weekends or outside of the regular company operational hours. In this way, enterprises are successful in creating a balance between the requirements of their organization and the performance of their people. Interestingly, the possibility of using this mixed approach is applicable to all tiers of the management. Companies like Dell, Deloitte, Mozilla, Zapier, and Upworthy are some such businesses that are using this approach.

Tracking, Updating and Communication – Strategy

By using the many proper tracking and communication apps that are now available, companies find that they can remain in touch and collaborate with their teams easily. Shared files and folders making working together possible. Video calls allow for conferencing, meetings, and project discussions. In addition, making payments via the many online portals can help manage the issue of salaries in different currencies. Art and Logic, Batchbook, Flexjobs, Fire Engine Red, and of course, Zapier are some such companies that talk about how technology has helped revolutionize their operations.

Flexibility in Working – Objective

Companies are now focusing more on the volume of work submitted and efficiency of their employees instead of the work hours they put in. They understand that workers have several personal issues that they deal with aside from their professional responsibilities. By allowing and trusting them to work at their own pace, at the times that suit the best, companies like Dell and Deloitte feel that they encourage productivity.

Happier Employees – Objective

One of the major areas of concern that most companies have is employee satisfaction and reducing employee turnover rate. They understand the importance of retaining good talent when they find it. They also realize that hiring, training, and orienting new personnel all the time is time consuming and expensive. By assessing the performance and turnover ratios, companies like UnitedHealth Group have found that remote employees consistently turn in high-quality work and perform better. These factors ultimately translate into better success for the company.

Lower Office Overheads and Better Customer Service – Objective

Saving on office expenses and overheads is no doubt an important consideration. In addition, companies find that they can pay salaries that are more competitive globally. They also find that all businesses, small or big can have a better international presence. Employees working in different countries are more familiar with the local culture and are able to connect better with the customers. When needed, they can also meet with them in person to discuss the issues they may have. In this way, companies can maximize customer satisfaction, another important requirement for the growth of any company. Businesses like 10up have adopted this approach with impressive results.

Considering that businesses across the globe are working with remote hires and teams and achieving amazing success, every company can confidently opt to use this method of working and take their operations to the next level.


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