How Augmented Reality (AR) becomes a Trend of Digital Transformation

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The uprising of Augmented Reality has landed upon the latest era. The global Market leaders have already initiated of directing their goal to set up a clear strategy which is embedded and wireframing for industrial applications.

Before diving to the technology, let’s have a helicopter view what exactly the “Augmented Reality” is. I have tried to explain the matter through a graphical representation, hope it will help you to understand in a better way.

We can easily imagine from the above image, one of the major application of Augmented Reality Map (the map uses the camera of user’s smartphone and to augment the reality) but understanding from the technical point of view will be little complicated and perspective for users.

Basically, Augmented Reality is the enhanced version of a physical object that can visualize virtually. This is the implementation of digital information in real time user experience.

Augmented Reality is becoming very popular nowadays in different fields like-  education, design, navigation, medicine etc. Augmented reality helps its users to view the actual world, where the facts and figures are digitally integrated. AR devices are configured such a way that they can visualize and sense what the user is looking at. This has been achieved with a see-through technology like a smartphone or a tablet.

Now, let’s talk about the Digital Transformation of Augmented Reality:-

With the help of a smartphone and widely available AR development kits and devices, it becomes easier for the industry to reduce the barrier of customer interactions. This enhanced technology has been implemented digitally into physical customer interaction. The operational and behavioural segment of several industries is changing drastically using Augmented Reality-

  1. Retail Industry and Security

    The Augmented Reality applications in Android and iOS will certainly enhance the shopping experience. Customers can easily select and fit the product as per their choice. The AR app will help customers while purchasing any furniture by using the virtual screen display of them.

    The payment process will be smoother than before. The AR-enabled devices can scan retina, voice or fingerprints of the user to authenticate.

  2. Product design, modelling and Manufacture

    The AR will transform Engineering and product design. It will allow 3D modeling and design software to enhance their design surface from computers to the real world. AR has been climbing the industry so quickly. Specifically, IoT has got fulfillment in the manufacturing industry along with object sequence and intelligence. The product architect will change designs and architecture in real-time instantly as per the stakeholder’s feedback. AR applications are going to hold a key factor in the digital transformation of the Product manufacturing industry.

  3. Augmented reality in Healthcare

    Augmented Reality in healthcare allows medical students to train in AR environments for interacting with patients. Doctors, nurses and other healthcare staffs have to have a good amount of knowledge and information about anatomy and the human body functions. AR applications can give immense visual support of 3D images of the human body part which helps them to learn in a better way. AR applications can deliver real-time information on treatment to support proper diagnosis and surgery plans. AR diagnostic tools can model disease conditions and using that Surgeons can plan the procedures before making the actual surgery. The drug marketers can clearly demonstrate the advantages through a 3D visual representation which helps them to increase sales.

  4. Augmented reality in Training and Education, Step into Future

    Now-a-days teachers are aspiring to start utilization of AR-enabled classrooms. This enhances students and motivates them to study well. By explaining the real object in the classroom help teachers to demonstrate abstract and complex problems. There are also self-learning applications that evolve the learning procedure into the next level.


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