8 Data-backed Reasons to Hire Remote Developers

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In just a few months, tech companies realized the importance of hiring remote developers as a fix to endure the pandemic. Those who were hesitant to outsource work now consider hiring offshore teams a viable cost resilience option.

For some, the software outsourcing model has even turned from cost reduction to driving tech innovation. Interestingly, several companies that entirely depended on in-house developers are now thinking out of the box and looking for software developers overseas, like India and more.

Even when things were not looking bright for several IT service providers during the early days of the pandemic, many extended contracts with offshore teams to bounce back during the crisis. The result? Business continuity and consistent growth.

By relying on scalable external teams, businesses got remote support with robust tech stacks, security protocols, and compliances – all at low cost.

The reasons below further show why hiring remote developers can be the best way for you to reset your businesses in 2021 and beyond:

8 Data-backed Reasons to Hire Remote Developers

  1. Easy Access to a Wider Talent Pool
  2. Data: Around 41% of employers state that talent shortage is a significant issue while recruiting developers. (Source: HackerRank)

    Skilled developers are always in demand. Sourcing them locally can be expensive too. In such a scenario, moving to remote, diverse hiring makes life much easier for companies. Especially if you want to build projects that require niche capabilities, sourcing talent from different global locations dramatically increases the chances of best-fit hires – at competitive rates.

  3. Lower Infrastructure Costs
  4. Data: NVIDIA spent almost $370 million to design their headquarters, build an impressive infrastructure, and attract new talent. (Source: VentureBeat)

    Designing architecturally pleasing office spaces can be extremely expensive. Instead, working with remote developers means working with the best without extra IT infrastructure costs. Remote developers can work from coffee shops, homes, co-working spaces, or anywhere else where they feel comfortable. This boosts their productivity and saves you thousands of dollars, proving to be a win-win for both parties!

  5. Reduced Employment Costs
  6. Data: The average rate of a software developer in the USA is $100 per hour, whereas, in India, it is approximately $25 per hour. (Source: PayScale)

    In addition to the hourly costs, employers also have to bear special allowances, health insurance, overtime, and other added taxes when hiring full-time in-house workers. You can avoid these costs entirely if you choose to hire remote teams from overseas locations. Plus, you can augment teams with rare talent and ramp up in a matter of days without incurring huge expenses.

  7. Increased Productivity
  8. Data: Remote workers are 35-40% more productive than their in-office counterparts. (Source: Global Workplace Analytics)

    This is primarily because of quieter work environments, fewer interruptions, and increased focus. Teams work best when they are ‘in the zone, ’ which translates into increased productivity and better delivery speed. Comfortable workspaces maximize developers’ potentials by allowing them to code, collaborate, and ship software efficiently from any location.

  9. Round-the-clock Availability
  10. Data: Tech companies need to constantly track user feedback, complaints, fix bugs, and release the best product. (Source: Terminal.io)

    For this, it’s essential to have teams that can attend to issues immediately. With the traditional work hours, this may not be possible. However, remote developers working in different time zones can help resolve urgent issues or system lags without wait times. Round-the-clock availability from remote teams supports continuous integration and continuous deployment (CI/CD). This results in lesser backlogs, immediate fixes, and happier customers.

  11. No Need to Sponsor Visas
  12. Data: Tech companies in the US are allowed to issue 85000 H1-B visas annually. (Source: Forbes).

    Sponsoring H1-B visas for overseas applicants is expensive since it entails multiple legal hoops like filing fees, attorney fees, and other added costs related to immigration. This entire process could be eliminated if you choose skilled remote developers who are ready to provide you the same service from any location around the world without necessarily shifting base.

  13. Future-proof Practices
  14. Data: GitLab, Buffer, Invision, and Zapier all have around 500 to 1000 remote employees at present. (Source: TechCrunch)

    There’s no doubt that the future of work is remote. Hiring remote developers isn’t just an experiment that tech companies are trying out. Organizations are permanently reshaping their business models with remote teams. They are willing to put talent first and geography second. By creating offshore teams connected with powerful technologies, they are confident of building long-term resilience against any crises or paradigm shifts in the future.

  15. Expanded Market Reach
  16. Data: Companies often treat their partnered remote developers as customers or unpaid brand ambassadors who can promote products in their respective markets. (Source: Forbes)

Sometimes, developers’ recommendations have helped products and services infiltrate new markets and geographic regions. When developers love a product, they evangelize it to other communities and customers in their areas, assisting companies in creating a more substantial presence in previously untapped markets.

Here’s Why You can Hire Remote Developers from Capital Numbers

Capital Numbers has grown into a highly reliable software outsourcing partner with tech expertise honed in over 2500+ projects. Suited for small, medium, and large-scale projects, our dedicated development team model is designed to rapidly scale up and down as per project needs. We cut development costs and bring in specialized talent if required – all while retaining complete control over project quality and delivery.

Are you worried about your IP rights and confidentiality? Well, we never cut corners on security. We sign NDAs to safeguard your business information and provide you complete visibility into your assets.

Contact us today to discuss your business needs, and our experts will get in touch with you shortly.


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