10 Benefits of Using an Online Skills Assessment Platform

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  • 70% of US employers have started using online tools to onboard new hires remotely since the pandemic struck. (Source: Monster)
  • In India, too, around 4 in 5 employers rely on virtual tools to speed up recruitment. (Source: The Hindu)

Well, the COVID-19 has been a trend accelerator that has changed hiring practices overnight.

Today, almost 86% of organizations conduct virtual interviews to screen talent worldwide. (Source: Gartner)

Luckily, there are some excellent candidate assessment platforms out there that help recruiters find top talents in an unbiased way. These online tools allow businesses to stay nimble and move talent through the funnel despite work-from-home protocols.

Especially if you’re looking to hire tech talent remotely, online assessment tools can be your savior in tapping into the right potential. They automate screening and narrow down your search by filtering through incompetent applicants, saving you time and money. They also help you evaluate the technical skills required to close your hard-to-fill positions.

Plus, an excellent online skills assessment tool allows you to determine a candidates’ soft skills, personality traits, and culture fit. It helps you go beyond the resume to vet engineers.

While there are several other benefits of using an online skills assessment tool for your remote hiring, we’ve compiled the ten primary ones for you in the table below.

10 Benefits of Using an Online Skills Assessment Platform

Better quality of hire

Online coding assessments help map candidates’ technical expertise and find the best match.

Reduced costs

Elimination of paper-based assessments and record-keeping keep costs low.

Lower human error in grading

Automated grading systems remove human errors.

Short time to hire

Instant, data-driven reports help weed out unqualified candidates in no time.

Detailed candidate reports

Individual candidate reports with detailed scores provide the right insights for hiring.

No bias

Auto-generated reports containing hard facts remove bias.

Wider reach

Recruiters get to screen candidates from a vast talent pool across geographies.

Increased productivity

Accurate, automated candidate analysis frees up recruiters for core business activities.

Less storage space

Companies can upload all candidate data in the cloud to cut down on physical storage.

Win-win solution

Candidates find online tests flexible and perceive employers conducting them as innovative – a reputation all businesses want.

In essence, you can build a highly productive tech team with the right online skills assessment tool in place.

2021 Remote Hiring Predictions

According to Absolute Market Insights, the employee onboarding software market will reach US$2.19 billion by 2027. Global leaders want to be a part of this upward trend.

As per a LinkedIn report, around 81% of talent professionals also feel that virtual hiring will continue post-COVID. Therefore, they’re embracing new virtual tools to measure the skills of pre-hires.

If you, too, want to ramp up your remote hiring, get in touch with Capital Numbers.

Why Contact Capital Numbers?

Our carefully vetted engineers can create robust tools to help you screen your remote hires. By partnering with us, you can shift your technical hiring online. We can help automate tech screening for you, cutting down on cost, time, and complexity. The primary aspects that we focus on while creating an online skills assessment platform include:

Custom-focused Solution

Our custom features help you add as many tests as you want to suit your specific hiring needs.

Diversity of Tests

We also integrate diverse role-based test options to evaluate candidates for different job roles/positions.

Data Security

Our robust security policies keep candidates’ data, question banks, and test results safe and intact.

Easy-to-use Interface

We add optimized graphics to make the UI smooth and navigable for a better candidate experience.

Analytical Reports

Our analytical reports provide in-depth candidate data that are downloadable and shareable for informed hiring.

Robust APIs

Our experts use powerful APIs that work seamlessly with your core applications for robust performances.

In short, our candidate assessment solutions can be the biggest filter in your recruiting process. We can help you remotely hire at scale and continue with business as usual, despite unusual times.

Talk to us to know more.


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