Why Should You HIRE a Remote Team for Your Web and Mobile Requirements?

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In order to develop your business and launch your online product, the very first thing that comes to mind is hiring developers that come at a high price. With in-house programmers, the costs of you have to pay a great deal of money in the name of salary. Not only money, you also have to spend time.  It can take months to find the right developer, and then you must also pay for their office space. Office maintenance is an additional expense to consider.

In order to save time and money, businesses today prefer working with remote teams for their web and mobile requirements. In addition to the above issues, there are a number of reasons that lead businesses to hire remote teams for their mobile and web requirements. There can be a few drawbacks when hiring a remote team, but they can be resolved. The best thing about hiring a remote team is you can complete your project with the help of a talented development team, who work for you at a much lower cost compared to an in-house development team. If you still wonder why you should hire a remote team for your mobile and web requirements, a few reasons are discussed below.

  • Access to a larger talent pool:

The number of local developers available is not always abundant. Often times, when there are experts in your region,  they are already employed with another company. This is where the importance of remote teams comes in. You can choose from a large number of professionals who are experienced in a range of skills (from enthusiastic engineers to Scala programmers and developers) with a global search online.

  • Cost-efficiency:

In comparison with the cost of hiring a domestic development team, the cost of outsourcing to the developer team is more profitable. When utilizing remote teams, you save money in the form of monthly and/or yearly wages, insurance, taxes and office maintenance. They work based on an hourly basis or they charge a fixed service fee. It is actually advantageous to hire employees globally, in case you need an entire team of developers.

Working remotely is not only helpful for employers, it also saves costs for employees, as they save on the cost of transportation.

  • More productive environment:

Research says that remote workers are more productive than in-house staff. According to Global Workplace Analytic Survey, approximately 53% of remote workers are willing to work overtime, while 28%of in-house staff are interested in doing the same. Remote teams are insulated from daily distractions and confusions that arise in an office. Instead, remote workers concentrate on their tasks and complete them without interruption.

Remote teams aren’t inhibited by the 9 to 5 office hours. They are free to work any hours, weekends and nights included.  In fact, it is not uncommon for a remote team member to be highly productive and deliver their best work during the night, long after the sun sets. But, of course, you have to find the right people in order to create a successful remote work organization.

  • No commute time:

Another advantage of having a remote team is that there is little to no need for a commute. According to a research, commuting is a reason for increased stress, loneliness and health issues, such as neck pain. It also reduces the energy and lowers productivity. When you don’t have to commute, you avoid having to sit in traffic wasting time. This saves your potential employee’s time as well as your time. If the commute time is regarded as working time, it is clearly a better option to hire a remote team.

  • Employee turnover is minimized:

Replacing an employee costs a lot to the employers. Estimates say, if you want to replace an employee that earns 50,000 dollars a year, it will cost your business almost 20% of the salary. If the jobs require high levels of training and experience, this demand a higher turnover cost. Keeping this in mind, companies prefer to hire remote teams to get the top talent at an affordable price.

There are controversies about the pros and cons of hiring a remote team for any business development. Indeed, there can run into issues, such as communication problems, but the latest technologies outweigh these shortcomings. For example, the employers nowadays can easily communicate with their remote teams through Skype and other video conference services.

The above-discussed points are just a few advantages of hiring a remote team for your web and mobile requirements. There are innumerable benefits. Hiring a remote development team is an excellent choice with tremendous value for your time and money investment.


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