Top 10 Mobile App UI Design and UX Trends for 2023

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Designers aren’t only responsible for making your application seem good; they also need to ensure that the app’s interface, visual components, and navigation align with your customer’s requirements and preferences. In a market where revenue from mobile apps is projected to hit $935 billion by 2023, it’s vital to stay in touch with design trends to remain competitive and change customer demands. The better the mobile app UI design, the better the ROI will be on that mobile app.

So, if you’re considering mobile app development for your business, you must ensure that the latest UI/UX design trends are followed. What are the top trends for 2023? Let’s find out.

Mobile App UI Design and UX Trends for 2023

Dark Theme 

One of the important UI/UX design trends you must consider when designing a custom app. With a dark theme, designers can highlight visual cues through contrast and depth, focusing on vital app content, not the frame around it. Other benefits include increased readability, reduced eye strain, better battery life, and more.

Micro Animations 

Micro animations are essential to keep the user’s attention while your app performs some tasks. Users enjoy interacting with the app as with a living organism that reacts to their actions.

But an excessive amount of interactive features can divert the user. It is crucial to determine whether your interactive components will assist the user or distract them from the aim before adopting the trend. Consider your users and what they’re looking for in your app, and help them achieve their goals with micro animations.


Using 3D rendering, a product or service can be presented engagingly and interactively. For example, a product in the app can be viewed in a 360-degree presentation to improve the overall UX.

It is expected that in 2023, more brands will use 3D models to present products and services to simulate the shopping experience in a store.

Passwordless Login 

As we use various applications every day, it’s difficult to remember all the passwords. In 2023, passwordless login will grow more popular. You can implement more accurate one-click authentication with Face ID and other facial recognition technologies.

It improves user experience and offers protection against two cyberattacks: phishing and brute force attacks.


Gradients amplify the look, feel, and depth of flat layouts. Both developers and designers value gradients because one can create them using brand colors.

In 2023, gradients will be given new life. But now, gradients will place more emphasis on the use of vibrant backgrounds. Hire UI/UX designers with excellent gradients expertise to enhance your app’s visual attractiveness.

Design for Disabled People

Disabled people interact differently with products. Your design will be more user-friendly when you adopt an all-inclusive attitude.

Using good color contrast and readable font size, following a liner layout, and making content available in audio/video format are some ways to ensure digital accessibility.

Supporting Voice Interactions

Voice interfaces will be one of the trends with the quickest growth rate in 2023. According to a study, 41% of Americans now use voice commands to do regular searches.

Today’s voice assistants are less prone to mix up words and are more accurate than those of the past. Use speech recognition to enable users to interact with applications. Think about the effects voice search will have on your mobile app.

Augmented Reality 

By enabling UI designers to adopt a mixed reality approach and improving the functionality of their layouts, Google’s ARCore and Apple’s ARKit have accelerated the augmented reality (AR) trend.

For regular users, UI-level AR can streamline tasks and save time. AR apps that activate AR functionality utilizing 2D visual tags on surfaces and AR apps for the face will be highly sought-after.

Multi-Directional Navigation

Simplify complicated flows and interactions with multi-directional navigation. Instead of scrolling up and down among functions, these designs help users to interact with the app easily.

Including horizontal sliders along with vertical scrolling displays results in a fascinating and memorable user journey. And it is a common tendency for apps with a wide variety of items. A user’s wait time will be reduced if the user can see all the materials on a single page.

Layered Sheer Screens

Consider using this trend to separate design elements from the background. Create a page hierarchy, and make your solution a flexible, lively appearance.

To use this technique, designers use drop shadows on icons and text boxes, helping them stand out from the background image. It is often used while creating subtitles to enhance readability.

Also Read: The Ultimate Roadmap for Mobile App Development for Start-Ups

Bottom Line 

Early adoption of these app design trends can help you stand out as a pioneer or at least attract users’ attention. And make sure you have an expert UI UX design company’s support for unmatchable UI UX design services.

Capital Numbers uses the latest trends in mobile app design to highlight the unique value of your concept and provide the best possible user experience. Our seasoned design team is prepared to help you with your next big project. Want to get our assistance? Book a call today!


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