#AroundTheGlobe – Food, Social, Data Centre and More

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Each little update on the technology front every second of every day are those flap of butterfly wings that start a tornado somewhere else. It’s very important to keep track of these regular updates because they help us connect the dots that form the ultimate larger picture.

We have aggregated a few tech updates that have caught our eye this week, and would love to hear your thoughts about the same

YouTube co-founder, Steve Chen launches Nom, a live-streaming platform for food lovers


Occulus announced its foray into social side of Virtual Reality on a Samsung Gear VR device


Google has joined the Facebook-founded Open Commute Project – an initiative to share Data Centre


Android N Developer Preview has been released by Google surprisingly early


Amazon is unveiling a live TV show on its platform to push further into fashion


Google’s Deepmind Software AlphaGo beats World Go Champion in 2 games straight



Recent Awards & Certifications
